There are 4 things I will mention in this article : seeds, soil mix, temperature and light & humidity.
- Seed : This must be the main key to success. Adenium seed loses its viability in short time. Fresh adenium seed can germinate in few days. I have never kept record that adenium seed can hold viability for how long. From rough observation, my 2 months old seeds have 100% germination but after 6 months germination decreases significantly. Anyway I believe that viability of seeds depend on fertility of mother plant. Healthy adenium seed should have perfect cylinder shape.
- Mix : I found that adenium isn't a selective plant. It can grow in many kinds of mix which well drain. Best thing to do is selecting materials that are readily available at your place. I don't have fixed formula for mix. I normally use coarse sand, coconut peat, rice husk and some decomposed leaves. The approximate ratio is 3:2:2:1. I have never use perlite so I can not give any comments on it. I use the mix said for seed germination and seedling. For bigger plants, chips of coconut husk will be added to provide more porosity.
- Temperature : I have never experienced too cold weather. Average temperature in Bangkok is always over 25 C so adenium seeds can be germinated all years around. Anyway I suppose that temperature below 15 C can delay or retard germination.
- Light & humidity : Fresh adnium seed may germinate over a night. Light is not necessary for germination in first few days. I always put seed tray under table so it gets only indirect sun light. All seeds should germinate in 7 days. Once seed husk fall off seedlings should receive more light. Until they are 2 weeks old, I give them full sun. Anyway mix have to keep humid at all time. I water seedlings once a day or more if temperature is too high. Within one month seedling can be transplants to 4" pot and grow until flowering.
In tropical climate like Bangkok, adenium seedlings grow very fast. Plants should be watered everyday unless it rains or no sun. If seedling is repotted regularly according to its growth, it will flower within less than one year. Fertilizer can be used to accelerate growth rate. I use even formula soluble fertilizer. Fertilizer can be applied with watering every 10 to 15 days.
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